President daughter chapter 22

President daughter chapter 22

President daughter chapter 22

Chapter 22

(Subtitle: ABDUCTED AGAIN!!)

                 A few days later

Vanille sat in the car that was sent to pick her up from the airport, she wore a black jacket and had her hair in a ponytail 

She tapped her fingers anxiously as the car made its way to the hospital Giovanna was moved to

The gruffly voiced man had given her and some other men, two days to abduct Giovanna from the hospital and bring her to him

On one of the buttons of her shirt was a tiny camera and recorder which was linked to a PC from which the men Mr Salvatore , the gruffly voice had sent to assist Vanille on this mission

From the camera the men could see and hear all that happened around Vanille 

Soon the car pulled into the hospital’s car 

Vanille got down with her luggage and she walked towards the entrance of the hospital 

In the lobby a guard was waiting, he had been given orders from Mr Carlos to bring Vanille to Giovanna’s ward

The two headed up to Giovanna’s vip floor in the elevator 

Vanille mentally prepared herself to put on a soul touching show

The one of the personal maid heart broken at her Ms state 

After the got to the doors of Giovanna’s ward the guard returned to his position at guarding the door with his colleague 

Vanille took in a big breath before pushing the doors and walked in

The first thing she saw was the frail white figure under the bed covers

Then Mr Carlos, then another tall man

Scratch that, a tall otherworldly looking man

Ooh so hot 

Like any ordinary woman , Vanille was struck dumb by Adrastos beauty

She almost lost her sense of reasoning but caught herself in the next moment 

‘Darn it Vanille, now is not the time to ogle at a handsome men, focus on the mission or you’ll be done for’

She cautioned herself and returned her eyes to Giovanna’s body

Right on cue, a tear slipped out of her eye and down her cheek as her mouth opened in surprise 

Her hands went up to her mouth as she stifled a sob

“Oh my good heavens, young Ms” she mumbled 

“Ah you’re here Vanille, don’t cry, Giovanna only suffered a shock when she saw me” Mr Carlos said seeing Vanille tears

He turned to glance at Adrastos who was sitting beside Giovanna’s bed

He had an expression of ‘See how can she be the one behind Giovanna’s abduction…she looks so sad’

Adrastos ignored Mr Carlos stare he rather not talk with someone with  a low EQ

It wasn’t enough to have a high IQ, one had to have high EQ too, to live in this dog eat dog word

Adrastos was never one to trust someone blindly

Vanille ran forward to Giovanna’s bed and made to touch her when her hand was suddenly smacked by a big hand

Adrastos had done the smacking, he wasn’t going to let someone he didn’t trust to touch his Giovanna 

Vanille winced in pain while Mr Carlos glared at Adrastos 

“What is the meaning of this Adrastos ? Vanille is Giovanna’s person maid , how could you do that”

Ahh so the handsome hunk’s name was Adrastos 


Vanille was not at all offended by what Adrastos did

“Mr President Adrastos probably just wanted me to wash my hands before touching the young Ms

…after all I just arrived from the airport “ Vanille beamed at Adrastos unaware of the blunder sh just uttered

“What did you call me?” Adrastos voice was grave 

This insignificant peasant just called him by his first name

Only his grandfather and Giovanna had the right to do that

Who did she think she is

Adrastos eyes were filled with killing intent but he soon recalled that they were in Giovanna’s room and she was resting

So he couldn’t cause a commotion 

He suppressed the urge to deal with Vanille for her

But that did mean he wouldn’t say something 

“Yeah my Giovanna should not be touched by your grimy hands

Who knows what underhanded things you’ve done” 

Vanille was shocked, her twitched as fear shone in her eyes

Why was he so hostile to her?

Does he know something?

Nah that’s not possible, she’s never meant him before

She calmed herself before pinching herself to summon the waterworks 

“I love the young Ms..she’s like an older sister and I’ve spent my early youth with her how could say such… you don’t even know me” 

“Adrastos Vanille is a good girl, you don’t have to feel guarded against hear” Mr Carl said calmly

Adrastos ignored them and walked out of the room

Vanille followed him with her eyes

It seems this hunk didn’t trust her and he could be a hindrance to her plans

She had to act fast

“Mr President you can leave now I’ll take care of young Ms “ 

“Okay, don’t take what he said to heart, he’s just overprotective of Giovanna as he is her promised husband “

Vanille nodded 

Husband my a#s 

“Well I’ll leave you to it “ with that said Mr Carlos left the ward and Giovanna in Vanille’s care

A few minutes after he left Vanille headed for the bathroom with her phone in hand 

She needed to call M rSalvatore for them to get their plans in action as soon as possible 

That Adrastos dude was suspicious of her,she had no idea who he was how powerful he was

But for him to be the promised husband of Giovanna, then he had to be powerful

She locked the door and turned on the faucet before dialing a number

“What is it,anything new?” Mr Salvatore asked 

“Actually yes, Giovanna’s betrothed husband is here , he seems to be suspicious of me…..

….we have to put our plan in action to prevent anymore incident, I say we carry it out now, this instant” 

Vanille wasted no time in saying what she wanted

“Are you dumb, you will be the main suspect if we do it today”

“Not if I get shot in the process, it will be a scene of me risking my life to save the Ms when she was being abducted “ she had an evil smile on her lips

“Hmm alright tell me more……” 

“So this is what we gonna do…………………..” Vanille told Mr Salvatore her plans and how it would be carried out including her part as the savior 

“Okay I get everything ready you do well to not attention to yourself the men will be there in an hour “ Mr Salvatore said before hanging up

Vanille put her phone in her jacket pocket then splashed water on her face before walking out of the bathroom 

No one was in the room except the listless figure on the bed

With an evil grin she walked out of the room

Their plans to abduct Giovanna will commence in an hour


                 An hour later

Two men dressed in doctor coats walked towards Giovanna’s room

There were two guards standing guard outside Giovanna’s door

Seeing the doctors coming close they brought out a scanner and scanned the man

No weapons were found on them, so they were allowed entrance to the room

After shutting the door behind them, the men nodded at each other before advancing towards the figure on the bed 

Giovanna’s VIP ward was huge and had a balcony

Below the balcony on the ground floor were two men who looked like securities who were rounding the perimeter 

One of the men in Giovanna’s room brought out a black body bag and placed it on the floor and the Borge men proceeded to lift Giovanna and place her in the bag

They all this while making the thinnest of sounds to not alert the guards outside 


Adrastos just arrived at the hospital,  he had spent the whole day at the company 

Doing some paper work and assigning his work to Jess Lee

He wanted to take time off work to take care of and protect Giovanna 

He entered the elevator and pressed the button to Giovanna’s floor

Meanwhile Vanille made her way back to Giovanna’s room

She had received a signal that it was time for her part of the plan

Seeing her, the guards let her pass without scanning 

She took in a deep breath readying herself for her act

She walked in and saw the men heading for the balcony 

“Hey what are you doing stop there, guards come in here” Vanille yelled as she chased after the men

Seeing her one of the men brought out a knife from inside his drawers and pounced on her 

She was no match for him and soon she was on the floor

With one quick swipe he stabbed her the axillary vein under her armpit

The most life threatening spot 

She could be dead in a few minutes without medical care 

Just then the guards rushed in with their guns

The man got off Vanille and ran for the balcony narrowly missing a shot

He and the other man threw the body bag which contained Giovanna’s body off the balcony

Before they jumped off too

The body bag was caught by the two men on the ground floor 

The other two landed on the floor safely with the aid of parachutes 

All four of the men raced for their get away vehicle 

They got in and drove off.



😭😭😭😭they took Giovanna 
